Have a Mish Mash Of Old Family 8mm Film? Slides? Video Tapes?
Easy & Affordable Transfers of Your Precious Family Memories
Alpha DVD Creations has been in the 8mm and VHS to DVD business since 2007 delivering quality video and film transfer service to the greater Atlanta Metro area.
Using the same specialized equipment as major movie studios like Universal, we can transfer, clean and digitize your 8mm or Super8 film, preserving your memories for generations to come!
In addition to created custom menus for your DVD, we create custom DVD covers as well using High Quality Printable Disk.
This makes navigating to a specific scene quick and easy!
Special 100 year Archival Gold/Silver or Platinum DVDs available!
Our Standard operating procedures for converting videos, film, slides and photos to a DVD:
Video formats – VHS, VHS-C, Digital 8, Hi-8, Mini DVD & Beta.
Organize – Acquire Correct name and dates of events, correct spelling of all names
Edit – remove TV shows if any, poor or excess video, Customer determined.
Create Menu Page for easy navigation to any key event.
Create custom DVD cover with accurate content list of all events.
For 8mm and Super 8mm film in addition to above:
- Clean All Film
- Digitize using state of the art frame by frame capture equipment and software to assure highest quality transfer.
- Edit, add titles. add music if desired.
We can also organize and transfer your slides and photos to DVD.
Our special event group can create a memorable presentation to commemorate any special occasion: Graduation, Retirement, Weddings, 25th & 50th. Anniversaries, Special Birthdays etc. using photos and video clips. Can add audio clips as well.
Alpha DVD Creations has always archived a copy of all the DVDs we have produced at no charge to our customers. Copies easily available.
LIMITED TIME OFFER: 10 VHS to DVD Transfers $99
Don’t Wait! Transfer your videotapes to DVD Today! Additional videotape formats add $5.00. Includes up to 2hrs of video on each tape. Not to be combined with any other offers or coupons.
PLEASE NOTE: This service is only for straight transfers, does not include editing, menu page or custom DVD covers
Videos and film degrade over time, watch precious memories you would hate to lose!

Converting, Archiving, and Duplicating Media to DVD